Print Your Picture on a Cappuccino
The food and beverage industry is constantly evolving. The newest trend result is the art design on your favorite cappuccino cup. The most pleasing way to start your day is with a coffee cup displaying unique art or image of you.
Using a coffee printer to print portraits onto a morning cup is one of the latest technology the industry is promoting today. Drinkripples as the campaign continues to be successful. The genuine coffee extracts and ripple pods are what you need primarily to create a beautiful image on your cup foam—combining ink-jet printing technology with 3D printing technology.
Drinkripples offer you to experience the excitement of having your images on a cup of cappuccino. Additionally, your cup can be ready in ten to twenty seconds due to how swiftly this coffee printer machine operates.
When buying a cappuccino, customers can have their photos placed on top of the foam. Just send a selfie or an image using the Ripple app. Ensure you have an internet connection and the Ripple app on your mobile phone. Your photos will then be printed on your cup by the machine.
Excellent New Ripple Maker II Pro
On September 22, 2022, the new Ripple Maker II Pro has launched. The goal is to provide the demand of the growing consumer. Furthermore, it offers unique drink experiences to satisfy these demands.
The new beverage-top printer uses food technology with naturally shifting print colors. The Ripples’ Head of Technology, the late Dr. Assaf Zeira, developed the intriguing extract that created Ripple Maker II Pro.
As a quote, “The flavorless cabbage extract in the patented Chameleon Plus pods allows them to adapt to the pH level of a drink and print colors ranging from blue to red that is sure to impress your guests. In addition, the amount of acid or alkalinity in the drink will depend. The color can range from aqua to turquoise, purple, magenta to violet, and beyond.”
According to the press release, Zeira created the whole Ripples product range of 100% plant-based printing pods, demonstrating the firm’s dedication to culinary technology that doesn’t compromise health.
According to Ripples CEO Yossi Meshulam, providing next-generation drink experiences is no easy task. It is because Gen Y and Gen Z keep the food and beverage industry on their toes. As a result, when Ripple created the Ripple Maker II Pro, it sought to enhance the food and beverage experience.
Another unique technology many business owners and customers are looking forward to is Drinkripples’ new coffee printer, the Ripple Maker II Pro. It shows that innovation and technology will constantly offer the public and the business world.