Working form home used to be difficult. Do you remember the days when everything had to have a paper trail and documents needed to be sent from one person to another physically? Things like faster computers and especially the internet have completely revolutionised the ability to work from home.
This has a number of key benefits for both employers and employees. Firstly, costs can be lower and productivity can be higher. Businesses experience a morale boost in their workforce when allowing employees to work from home and this could improve productivity. There’s also the cost factor. It’s simply cheaper to let someone work from home for a number of reasons (that we’ll look at in a minute). In this article, we’re going to look at how tech has really helped people and businesses when it comes to working from home…
After all, tech has improved all sorts of things, from online blackjack to video streaming platforms. But employment has seen some of the biggest changes. What are they?
Better connectivity
This is one area where tech has helped massively. And that’s by keeping people connected more easily, more quickly and more affordably. From VOIP apps and other messaging software to video conference calls. It’s now much easier to keep connected with you colleagues, clients or employers. Check out software like Zoom and others for more on this.
Lower costs
We already touched on this, but it really does need emphasising. It’s why more and more businesses are offering their employees a chance to work from home. While you might need a home computer and a few extra tools or equipment, this is still much cheaper than keeping a busy office running. Offices have all sorts of overheads – mostly floor space and the real estate costs of actually having an office, but also things like security, electricity and more.
Staff can also be more productive if they don’t have to spend 2 hours a day commuting and if they feel more valued by their employers. These factors can also make your business perform better since employees have better morale and work harder under the right conditions. It really is win-win when you look at it like this.
Faster access
Not only is it quicker for employees to get into work, but sending documents and other files has never been easier. Remember when things had to get sent by regular post? Now they can be transferred within seconds. This makes everything a lot easier and cheaper for everyone.
More collaborative reach
Remember, working from home isn’t just to help people in the same office communicate and work together remotely. Technology has improved things so that you can now work remotely with teams across the planet. This means you can draw on expertise and more from the right people for the right jobs.
Technology has obviously revolutionised all sorts of workplaces over the last couple of decades. But how it has helped people work remotely and from home has really changed dramatically. This looks set to continue, as new tech emerges that make the process even easier. Does your business have the right tools for this?