If you are buying an e-liquid, you need to know how to choose because this part of vaping is very important. You must have a good device and some fresh coils and now you can start looking at juices. Keep in mind that it is not just about choosing a flavor just because you have an oil cartridge battery. There are things to consider before you buy a vape juice, and from this article you are going to learn more.
Read on.
How They Make Vape Flavors
First of all, it might help you understand more about vape flavors are made. The components of vape flavor include propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine and flavoring.
Each e-juice has certain ratios of vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG). The ratios determine several factors, which includes potency of taste and cloud sizes. You might want to pick a vape flavor that has more vegetable glycerin if you want it to taste sweeter.
There is normally flexibility when you mix VG and PG together so you can have the best ratio. You can also adjust nicotine levels. You can even choose to buy juices that do not contain nicotine.
Single or Multi-Flavor
Another helpful angle here is if you want a flavor that has 1 flavor or if you prefer more than 1 combined. Choosing 1 flavor might be for you if you want to start with the basics, like a predictable flavor. If you want to create and experience flavors, then you could try an e-liquid with multi-flavors.
Some of the most popular flavors have been made or tailored by people with different taste bud preferences.
Nicotine Percentage
When you have already chosen a flavor, you will would have to choose the nicotine strength. Normally, you should ask yourself these questions:

How much do I smoke?
If you smoke 1 pack a day, that means you smoke 20 cigarettes per day. That is considered heavy smoking. You should be buying 18mg in a 10 ml bottle. In case you smoke less than that, you can try 12mg (1.2%), but if you think that vaping is not for you, you might need a stronger nicotine content. In general, it is better start with a higher nicotine level, but a lot of vapers gradually use lower levels of nicotine over time.
PG and VG
PG stands for Propylene Glycol and VG stands for Vegetable Glycerol, or it could be a combination. PG gives more flavor, but the vapor produced is weak. VG is more vicious and it tastes sweeter. Therefore, it somewhat mutes the flavor, but it produces a lot of vapor.
Before buying vape juice, take these into consideration and you should always have 510 threaded batteries already charged, so you can use it anytime.