Take your great business idea and well-thought-out business plan to a whole new level by picking a name people will recognize as your brand. However, the name you pick for your business must also comply with the requirements set by the state you are registering your LLC in.

How to ensure that your startup name complies with state LLC requirements?
Each state has different restrictions, but they each have online guidelines for you to follow. In most states, the basic requirements are as follows:
- Make sure that your legal name includes the phrase ‘limited liability company’. This can also be in its abbreviated forms LLC or L.L.C.
- The name must not refer to any government agencies or infer to any government agency.
- If you use words like doctor, lawyer, or university as part of your LLC name, you will be required to produce additional paperwork and to also prove that a licensed individual will be part of your LLC.
Note: The most frequent reason why LLC applications are turned down is that they have not used the word or abbreviation of LLC in their name.
Why does the application ask for a legal and a brand name?
In most states, you can choose a legal name for your LLC and a trading or brand name. The brand name is also called a DBA on application forms.
If you decide to use a different DBA to the LLCs legal name, they are not required to match. An example is that your legal name can be G. Jones Enterprises, LLC, but your DBA could be Exotic Garden Landscapes.
Note: Kansas, New Mexico, and South Carolina do not offer DBAs.
Is it easy to use a business name generator?
Business name generators are very easy to use. Whether you have already chosen a name, or have no idea what you want to name your LLC, a name generator is an invaluable tool.
If you have already chosen a name, you can enter it into the name generator to see if it has already been taken. If it hasn’t been taken, you can select it and then secure a domain by following the instructions.
If you have no ideas at all, you can just punch in a keyword about your LLC and you will be given thousands of name ideas. You can either use one of them or pick a few that you like and generate one. Once you have chosen, you can again enter it into the name generator to see if it is available and to secure a domain.
Note: LLC Name Generator link is TRUiC’s free tool that allows you to secure the name and domain for your LLC.
What should you avoid when choosing a name for your LLC?
- Names that are difficult to spell can be confusing, so keep the LLC name simple.
- Don’t place limits on the name of your LLC. For example, if you are starting an online company selling toys, you might want to branch out as your business expands and include books, so don’t add the word toys to the name.
- Your business name must convey something positive and meaningful. It is easier for people to understand what your business is about, and cheaper to market.
- Resonate with your target audience by choosing a catchy name.
- Acronyms can be a great way to name your business. TRUiC is a great example, The Really Useful Information Company.
- A Google search can help you come up with great synonyms that can be used to describe your business.
- Rhyming words together can also help you come up with some original and creative ideas.
Note: If you feel that you have chosen the wrong brand name for your business, take the necessary action and change it. All you need to do is follow the process of the state our business is in, pay a small fee, and publish your filing in a legal newspaper.