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Must-Have Gear To Ace Working Remotely

Must-Have Gear To Ace Working Remotely

Did you know that the number of people working remotely was on the rise even before the global events of the last two years? Many businesses ramped up their efforts to empower workers to work remotely, and having the right gear supports that mission.

No matter if your remote work arrangements are temporary or permanent, having the right tools for your mobile workstation keeps business flowing smoothly. Here are some must-have tools to make working remotely work for you.

Reliable Internet Connection

Between online meetings, sharing files, and collaborating on projects, you need a reliable internet connection. Workers who already have internet access at home may need to upgrade their connection with a more powerful WiFi antenna or Ethernet switch.

If you work from coffee shops, airports, libraries, and other remote locations, consider getting a mobile hotspot. Public Wi-Fi isn’t a guarantee, nor is a strong internet connection. By using a reliable mobile hotspot, you can “stay in the flow” without bothersome interruptions caused by dropped internet connections.

Portable SSD Drive

Cloud storage is great for saving space on a personal computer, but it’s not foolproof. If a cloud storage service goes down or your internet connection drops, you may not have a reliable way to back up vital files, data, images, and other information.

Portable SSD drives are handy backup storage devices that can save the day and keep you from experiencing mild meltdowns. Nothing ruins a workday faster than losing work you can’t recover.

Second Monitor

Those who multitask or work with several browser windows open simultaneously may need more than a laptop’s single, restrictive screen. Setting up a second monitor expands screen real estate and your remote work possibilities.

You’ll have several options to choose from if you want another monitor for vertical orientation or to leave alt-tabbing between apps in the past. Narrow your options by focusing on screen resolution, whether you want a touchscreen, and how the monitor connects to your current computer.

Power Bank

While your favorite coffee shop may have free refills on coffee and zippy WiFi, you may have trouble finding extra power outlets. Rather than risk losing work when your computer suddenly shuts down because of a depleted battery, reach for a power bank.

Even if you have access to an electrical outlet, you may not have enough outlets to power all your devices. By making a power bank part of your remote work gear, you can charge your phone, laptop, tablet, and other electronic devices you use for work.

Laptop Stand

Remote workers may work on the sofa, on the bed, and at the kitchen table. While these spaces may make for comfortable work areas, they aren’t the most ergonomic.

Invest in a laptop stand to boost your computer to your eye line, keep your device cool, and improve your posture. If you experience back or neck pain or have carpal tunnel, a laptop stand can ease your discomfort.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

No matter if you work in or out of the office, noise follows you everywhere. Keep your focus with noise-canceling headphones. Outside of rambunctious environments, another reason to use noise-canceling headphones is to block feedback and echoes on office calls.

If you live with other people, work may happen in spurts and sputters because of interruptions. Don a large pair of headphones to create a personal work bubble and send everyone else in the house the silent message that you’re hard at work.

It may take some time to get used to working out of the office. When you have the right equipment to work from home, working remotely feels like second nature.