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How Will Technology Change Our Lives In Coming Years?

How Will Technology Change Our Lives In Coming Years?

Many upcoming technologies will change the face of the earth and evolve into something different. Many things will change the world positively, and some are here to change it in a bad way. Some of these technologies are.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is now the world’s most fearful and can cause a very noxious effect on humans. If somehow, AI gains consciousness and started a gained against humans, there would be nothing we could do about it. They will be just emotionless algorithms following orders and commands given to them. So AI is in the spotlight of the whole world because they have the tendencies to change the world we know. Our AI is getting better and better every passing second; the best example is the famous Google. Which is storing our data and predicting our next step, which is mostly right. Google’s problem getting smarter is that people do not realize that this is just the most vulnerable part. With which AI can attack humans by using that data.

Virtual Reality

Like all the other technologies, virtual reality is making progress by leaps and bounds, and it is getting more and more sustainable and better. Not long ago, VR only projected the third dimension (Z plane), but in many games like situs judi online, virtual reality is now projecting the sensation of touch by using some specially designed gloves. If we continue to make progress in the same direction, soon, we will sustain a specially designed reality where people can live and experience everything like in this world. We can create a whole world, and just like that, we can even create online gaming clubs where people can interact.

Space colonization

Like Elon Musk, the great minds of this century are making ways to populate other planets of our solar system like Mars. This will be the greatest feat by the human race. They are already making a colony up there on Mars, and they are also recruiting people who are volunteering to go there and live on Mars. Elon Musk is the same man who has introduced us to PayPal. Now by using his own rockets Space X, this man will take the humans to a whole new Planet. These are the kind of advancements humans are making using technologies.

Cloud Storage

People are now using cloud storage to store data, allowing them to save their data from one place and access data from elsewhere. Making storage devices obsolete. Imagine a world where all of your data is at a remote place. Which is completely secured and accessible from any place in this world. Just like our storage devices got smaller and smaller, it is now getting inessential.