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Itchy Scalp? Try These 5 Proven Home Remedies

Itchy Scalp? Try These 5 Proven Home Remedies

Many reasons can cause an itchy scalp to develop. When chronic itchiness occurs, it is imperative individuals find the cause so they can pursue the right treatment. Thankfully, some home remedies can make an itchy scalp much more bearable.

What Symptoms Accompany Itchy Scalp?

Knowing the symptoms to look for and the right itchy scalp treatment is critical. Depending on the reason, some other symptoms may accompany an itchy scalp. Flaking, scalp irritation, and even patches of balding are possible and will occur in greater frequency when the condition is not treated properly. When the symptoms become severe, it warrants a doctor visit, to find the underlying cause of the itch.

5 Proven Home Remedies for Scalp Itch

When scalp itch becomes more than a simple annoyance, there are some proven strategies people can use at home. Consider the following five home remedies when scalp itch becomes ongoing.

1. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best at-home remedies for scalp itch. It’s anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties make it a prime treatment for many causes of itching scalp.

2. Sometimes, an itchy scalp is caused by dry skin. By rubbing organic coconut oil into the scalp twice a day, itching can be relieved.

3. Another at-home remedy can be found in peppermint oil. Excessive itching in the scalp can lead to a burning sensation. Peppermint oil helps to cool the scalp and relieve itching and irritation on contact

4. Tea tree oil is excellent for scalp itch conditions. It has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that work well to combat the itch and the underlying cause.

5. Dandruff is one of the leading causes of scalp itch. To get rid of the flakes and relieve the itch, individuals can use a shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione. This ingredient attacks dandruff at its source and brings quick relief.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Because the skin is the largest organ in the body, it will show signs of problems when a healthy diet is not followed. First, individuals need to make sure they are eating a diet high in beneficial vitamins and minerals. Giving the skin the nutrients it needs will help to reduce flaking.

Individuals also need to make sure they are drinking copious amounts of water each day. A minimum of eight glasses a day will help to keep the skin hydrated, making flaking and itching less likely to occur.

If the itch is caused by allergies, it is imperative individuals see their doctor for testing. Allergy testing will reveal the root cause of symptoms so a person can make diet and lifestyle changes that bring about relief.


Dealing with an intensely itchy scalp can be stressful. Sometimes, the itching becomes so severe it interferes with a person’s daily life. First, a person needs to find out the root cause of their symptoms, before they begin self-treating.

Thankfully, some easy at-home remedies can bring about rapid relief. The above at-home remedies are safe to use and should not cause any side-effects, like some over the counter or prescription medications.

If you are dealing with scalp itch, try the above to see which one works best. With a natural remedy, you will get fast relief from items that can be found in most pantries or medicine cabinets. Check out the above to get started.