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Long-Term Effects Of Living In A Digital World

Long-Term Effects Of Living In A Digital World

Before studying the consequence of living in a digital world, we should know about the digitalization of things. To do so, we have to consummate people’s lifestyle from this era of people to the era of the past few years. If we look at the people of the last couple of years, they didn’t even have Alexa. Which is basically a virtual assistant at every home.

If we go even further behind in time, people didn’t have Smart Watches, which keep tracks of our movements and other small things. So, in the long run, these little and small technologies that have surrounded us. And now, we are completely dependent on these modern technologies. These are the thing which humans had not even thought about, but now we have made a machine or algorithm to do the basic work, i.e., playing the music and turning on and off the light (Alexa).

Effects of this technology

As William Shakespeare said, “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

 The betterment of making human life more and more easy and effortless was not a bad idea. But if we see the bigger picture, it has proven to be bad and not beneficial to human health. Thus, we do not have to move a bit, and the machines are doing most of the chores.

Because machines and modern technologies surround us, many humans are suffering from restlessness and sleeplessness. There is all kind of stuff and material which we can access from our homes like getting access to the Deep web, playing casino online and games.

Notorious use of technology

There are also many very notorious uses of technologies and using these digital devices like security breaching and violating personal digital space. These are the thing which has made our life in this digital world difficult.

While on the other hand, there also very useful and good usage of these technologies. Like in the medical field, now these modern technologies are performing whole surgeries, and these machines are more precise and more reliable than humans. New machines like Nuralink now allow people to stimulate brain signals and help them walk and run again.

On the other hand, there are Driverless cars that will allow people to sleep and travel simultaneously. All these wonderful technologies are given to us by Elon Musk. These are the good things which these modern technologies are giving to us.